About Sinne Valuations

Luite Berkenbosch RT

I am a qualified valuer/appraiser with a track record of over 1500+ valuations in all types of properties. I have been registered as a RICS Registered Valuer and also in the Nederlands Register Vastgoed Taxateurs (Dutch Register of Property Valuers) and also registered in the VastgoedCert Register.

My appraisal reports are accepted by the followings banks on Bonaire: MCB Bank, Orco Bank, RBC Bank, Banco di Caribe and PMCN (Participatiemaatschappij Caribisch Nederland).

I am specialized in valuations/appraisals of the following types of properties:

Recreational house(s);
(rented) Houses
Hotels and resorts;
Restaurants and Bars;
Shops and shopping malls;
Industrial and commercial buildings;
and uncommon real estate like golfcourses, harbors, campsites, movie theaters etcetera.