Valuation Fees

Valuation Fees

We guarantee:

    • Delivery of a comprehensive digital valuations / appraisal report within 5 working days*
    • According to the International Valuations Standards
    • By an independent and registered appraiser
    • Acknowledged by MCB Bank, Orco Bank, RBC Bank, Banco di Caribe and PMCN
Property type: Market value Fee
Houses All 599
Commercial Real Estate < 500.000 749
Commercial Real Estate ≥ 500.000 1499
Special properties ** all on request
All prices are listed in US Dollars and ABB (VAT) is included

*within 5 working days after the building inspection, provided land registry information and title deed are available and in case of a valuation of an apartment given the financial information of the home owners association is available too.

**special properties: for example hotels, resorts, bars, restaurants, shopping malls and other forms of specific exploitation properties.